Prayers for St. Ann: An Intentional Giving Campaign

From 1/29/17 Bulletin:

Intentions Met: $9320.88 (October 1, 2016 - )
Previous Years: 2014-15: $24, 494.  2015-2016: $21,830

Letter from Fr. Rob:

                One of my favorite parts of Mass at St. Ann’s is when we pray the St. Ann’s prayer, and it’s not just because it means that Mass is almost over and I can go get a donut. What is great about the prayer is that it regularly reminds us of what we are called to be as a parish. It expresses a vision and it allows us to pray for that vision while recommitting to or part in bringing it about, placing ourselves in the service of God and others.

                I wish to build upon this prayer as we introduce a new campaign called: “Prayer for St. Ann: An Intentional Giving Campaign.” In this drive I want to emphasize and inspire as well as measure how well we are working toward the intentions we pray for each time. Marks of a healthy parish are: members giving generously, sharing their time and talents, and inviting others to share in their faith and worship. These are three marks that we will be emphasizing.

                “St. Ann’s will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver.” St. Ann’s made a bold move a few years ago in moving to South Mooresville Rd., and I believe it was the right move, as it allows us more potential to grow and to better serve the people of Decatur Township. However, we have to complete the move by paying off our new grounds and building. More than a quarter of our budget goes to paying our debt of $1.7 million along with the interest. While we are constantly working to keep expenses low, with these mortgage payments we are greatly strained in meeting costs. Weekly giving has remained constant over recent years, but costs from the loan payments have caused us to fall consistently short of budget and to eat up much of our savings.

                This year our Finance Committee chose to take a realistic approach to budgeting. Spending was kept low and consistent, however, income, primarily from weekly giving, was based not on what we need but, rather, on what we can realistically expect from previous years.  There is, as a result, a budgeted shortfall of approximately $50,000. The difference would continue to diminish our savings. Rather than allow this to happen, we are asking all parishioners to make special intentions to raise a little extra. In addition to regular giving by way of Sunday collections, we are asking groups, families and individuals to commit themselves by way of prayer, or “intentions”, to raising money toward this $50,000 goal. It is no small amount, but it is a very achievable goal if we all work together as the parish we proclaim to be.

                “Intentions” are just that. They are personal commitments to raising a personal goal. No names will be taken on any intention and there will be no follow-up. We simply ask that you make commitments to remind yourself and to help us measure how well we are working toward this common goal. Once an intention is met, please feel free to make a new intention and work again towards a new goal. We will take us a second collection the first full weekend each month to collect new intentions as well as intentions met.

                “St. Ann’s will do great work, if I work.” Finances are significant, but being Church is more than that. We are called to give of our time and talent as well as treasure. In this campaign we wish to encourage people to get more and more involved in our ministries. Therefore, intention cards will also be taken for parishioners signing up for new ministries to encourage and to gauge how well we, as a parish, are doing to get people more involved and sharing their time and talents.

                “St. Ann’s will bring other people into its worship and fellowship, if I invite and bring them.” Finally, Christ has given us one commission and that is to witness to and share our faith with others. We have a wonderful faith tradition and an awesome parish, and we are called to share it with others. Therefore, our intention cards will include a record of how many people we invite to St. Ann’s. Our job is to invite them and make them and make them feel welcome, it is up to them how they respond.

                Once again, intentions, made and/or met, in all three areas, will be collected by way of intention cards place in second collection at the beginning of each month. We will keep track of our parish’s goals by way of our bulletin and a mural in the back of the church. Thank you for your continued support. “Therefore, with the help of God and St. Ann, I shall dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my church to be.’

                                                                Yours in Christ, through the help of St. Ann,

                                                                Fr. Rob