Eucharistic Ministers

Commissioned parishioners who distribute the Body and Blood of our Lord during Masses and communion services and who bring the Eucharist on their visits to the sick and homebound. Parishioners must be trained and commissioned to serve


Persons who are able to make a commitment and are interested in proclaiming God's word in a clear and relevant manner. Orientation is available and schedules are prepared three times per year.


Young men and women who assist the priest during Sunday and weekday Masses and other liturgies such as weddings and funerals. Interested students should apply and will complete a training session.


Ushers and Gift Bearers

Parishioners who volunteer to greet and seat worshipers, collect the offerings, bring the gifts to the altar and distribute the bulletin.

Washing the Altar Linens

Wash and iron the purificators and corporals that are used with the chalice at Mass. Instructions are given on folding and ironing the sacred linens. Time commitment: Approximately two hours per month. More volunteers are needed.

Church Cleaners

Volunteers dust pews, altar, chairs, organ statues, windows, etc. when needed and refill holy water fonts every two weeks. At Christmas and Easter more volunteers are needed for more thorough cleaning. Volunteers are always appreciated

Sacristan Helpers

Volunteers to assist with the setups for sacramental function such as Masses, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals.