To get involved or
find out more
about any item, please contact the Church Office at 821-2909. Your time
and talent will be most welcome.
Stewardship Committee:
Our mission is to foster an environment in which stewardship is understood, accepted, and practiced by all members and all ministries of St. Ann's parish.
Buildings and Grounds Committee:
Includes gardening, carpentry, electrical, construction, painting, plumbing, mowing, trimming, snow removal, custodial, Social Hall cleaning, Kitchen Cleaning.
Church Cleaning Group:
Volunteers dust pews, altar, chairs, organ statues, windows, etc. when needed and refill holy water fonts every two weeks. At Christmas and Easter more volunteers are needed for more thorough cleaning. Volunteers are always appreciated
St. Ann’s stewardship is
about recognizing God as the source of everything we have and are,
accepting our accountability for God’s gifts, expressing our gratitude
for them, and returning a sacrificial portion to help build the kingdom
on earth.
Stewardship Committee:
Our mission is to foster an environment in which stewardship is understood, accepted, and practiced by all members and all ministries of St. Ann's parish.
Buildings and Grounds Committee:
Includes gardening, carpentry, electrical, construction, painting, plumbing, mowing, trimming, snow removal, custodial, Social Hall cleaning, Kitchen Cleaning.
Church Cleaning Group:
Volunteers dust pews, altar, chairs, organ statues, windows, etc. when needed and refill holy water fonts every two weeks. At Christmas and Easter more volunteers are needed for more thorough cleaning. Volunteers are always appreciated